Junior Mathematical Challenge

The Junior Mathematical Challenge is a 60-minute, competition aimed at students across the UK. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. The challenge is designed so that at least some questions are accessible to all but also to stretch your most enthusiastic mathematicians. Around 275,000 students in Years 7 or 8 are entered for the challenge each year.
The UKMT award the highest-scoring 40% of those entered with Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates in the ratio 1:2:3 and the highest-scoring participant in each school year is awarded a Best in Year certificate. Around 1000 high performing students from the Junior Mathematical Challenge are invited to sit the Junior Mathematical Olympiad follow-on round, with a further 8000 or so students invited to sit the Junior Kangaroo.
Congratulations go to Dylan McColl, Connor Grant and AJ Yakubu who all achieved Gold Certificates. All three students have been invited to take part in the Junior Maths Kangaroo Challenge next month. We look forward to seeing how they perform in June.
We are also pleased to announce that 7 students in Year 7 achieved a Silver Certificate. This is an amazing achievement as not many students in Year 7 sit this challenge. Sam Headley in Year 7 has achieved the “Best in Year” award as he has acheived the highest score.