Google G Suite - User Guide

Google Drive gives students access to cloud storage as well as a large selection of application packages including equivalents of Word, Excel and PowerPoint that can be used online. No more excuses of I left my USB with homework on at home or getting home and remembering you forgot to bring that document you're working on with you. With Google Applications any work is accessible on any computer or laptop with an internet connection. You can even work on the go with apps available for mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Files are also automatically saved as they are worked on, so no more crisis moments as that document you have been working on for hours freezes. So jump on board and help us take The Appleton School into the cloud.

Google Login Information

To login students should go to and click on the sign in button in the top right corner

Student Logins are worked out in the following way:


(Removing all hyphens and apostrophes)

Refnumbers are (as of Sept 2024):

Year 7 = 29
Year 8 = 28
Year 9 = 27 Year 10 = 26
Year 11 = 25
Year 12 = 24
Year 13 = 23


Unless the student has been informed otherwise their password is the same as the password they use to log on to the computers in school.


If Ben Smith is in Year 11 the email for his Schools Google Account would be and his password would be the same as it is for the school network.